Some goody-goody library type who actually reads directions (The Cootess doesn't set much store by "directions" and the whole reading thing is something of a busman's holiday.) has informed me that I'm supposed to actually post a blog about blogging. Frankly, that smells like some solipsistic Web 1.4 nonsense to me but, as the kids say, alas whatever. In review, the last two days have been a rollercoaster ride of blogging emotions. I have enjoyed reading the other blogs and trying to suss out who belongs to what blog. Some stand outs: "Apropos of Nothing" is LOL funny; "Library Robot" and "WMD" have the esoteric inventive thing happening; Best photograph goes to "Patty O" and best use of doppler radar goes to "Jackie O"; I don't know who this "Jerry McK" character is but he wins best trip down memory lane with his wistful reminiscences of blogs and cheat sheets of yore. I bet whoever he is, his tie is crooked right now.
Quotable Quote: "I invested a lot of money into this wig, and it saved my life. I've got angels." (Divine Cootess Briana Bond after a costly weave deflected a shooting attempt by her ex-boyfriend in a Kansas City parking lot)