Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 2 Summary: Blogs, Wigs Et Al.

Some goody-goody library type who actually reads directions (The Cootess doesn't set much store by "directions" and the whole reading thing is something of a busman's holiday.) has informed me that I'm supposed to actually post a blog about blogging. Frankly, that smells like some solipsistic Web 1.4 nonsense to me but, as the kids say, alas whatever. In review, the last two days have been a rollercoaster ride of blogging emotions. I have enjoyed reading the other blogs and trying to suss out who belongs to what blog. Some stand outs: "Apropos of Nothing" is LOL funny; "Library Robot" and "WMD" have the esoteric inventive thing happening; Best photograph goes to "Patty O" and best use of doppler radar goes to "Jackie O"; I don't know who this "Jerry McK" character is but he wins best trip down memory lane with his wistful reminiscences of blogs and cheat sheets of yore. I bet whoever he is, his tie is crooked right now.

Quotable Quote: "I invested a lot of money into this wig, and it saved my life. I've got angels." (Divine Cootess Briana Bond after a costly weave deflected a shooting attempt by her ex-boyfriend in a Kansas City parking lot)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Cheese Stands Alone

By now we are all familiar with the stories from her carny days, the motivational tales of entrepreneurial piss and vinegar, the divertessment down roads not taken to lost highways to nowhere. No one can out-cootess the divine Mz. Coco DeLaFountaine, patron saint of the Fairfield Reference Office.

Quotable Quote: "I'm not even asking who moved my cheese. If I see you so much as glancing at my cheese, I will assasinate you!

Parden Me, Is That the Queen of England?

The next Cootess in the Pantheon ... the Ambassador of Class and Elegance in the 804, The Princess of Literary Acumen, the Co-Inventor(with Kanye West) of Contemporary Culture, and the Countess of Cootesses ... females and gempmin, I present: Nikki Turner (all hail the Queen!)

Quotable Quote: "At first I was considering this fabulous brown blinged out dress, but I changed my mind and decided to put this. Yes!! Your eyes are not deceiving you: It’s a Black leather halter with a hood."

The Homage Begins

This blog is dedicated to the furtherment of education about and diefication of the Great Cootesses of our time. The infamous Mademoiselle Sassybottom has left in her wake a path of destruction and broken hearts a mile wide and there is no end in sight. She has a dedication in the liner notes of that Dogs Barking Christmas Carols album and has been cited as the inspiration for Snoop's Doggystyle. That's just how the Cootesses roll, y'all.

Quotable Quotes: "They call me the Pooty Beauty, and if you think that's funny, step a little closer."

The Cootness of The Cootess

Cootess: (koot-esssssss) noun. 1)female coot 2)a woman who reflects the crusty attitudes of an unrepentent elderoo.