Hey cootlings, remember veejay Adam Curry from "Headbangers Ball" on MTV? Wow, you are sooo old. Anyhoo, it turns out that under those flowing flaxen locks resides the soul of a true computer geekin' entrepreneur. That's right, mister man has been fiddling around on the net since the days of Gopher. Remember Gopher? Dang, I told you you're old. It was he who registered mtv.com and established MTV's presence on a little thing I like to call "the web". But he didn't stop there, oh no, and this is where he links up with a little thing I like to call "Library 2.0": that dude who interviewed an only partially surgically enhanced Michael Jackson is one of the dudes who had a major hand in developing a little thing I like to call "podcasting". Here's where things get interesting to The Cootess. So Monsieur Curry goes on Wikipedia and seemingly overstates his role in the invention of podcasting, not giving proper props to the work of other dudes in the course of development and giving absolutely no cred to Al Gore for inventing the internet or Kanye West for inventing everything else. So Wikipedia calls him out and Adam is all, I apologise. I didn't know the full history, and Wikipedia is all, That's O.K. We all make mistakes. Now, keep in mind I am reading about this whole thing ON Wikipedia a couple days ago. I go on Wikipedia this morning and all traces of the "Controversy" article about Adam Curry has been expunged. I know, I know, the layers upon layers of Web 2.0 intrigue are blowing my mind too. I have to say I heart the human drama of 2.0. That is totally what 1.0-1.5 was missing. More importantly, I think we have all learned a valuable lesson here: Never ignore Kanye West!
Quotable Quote:
"For people that dress super-good, this is the music that we listen to. If you don't like it, you probably can't dress that good." --thus spake the Great Cootess Kanye
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