Eeeeverybody loves Twitter! Lately it seems all is a-twitter about Twitter. I will be having a heretofore stimulating conversation with a perfectly sound-minded individual when, without warning (or "apropos of nothing" as Bobby del Libros likes to say), he/she will break off into a cooing verbal love letter to Twitter. All amount of media, including the blogs and radio shows I follow WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT TWITTER. Apparently, one of the great draws is that celebs and other persons of note are constantly tweeting, so it's like we average Josephines are actually hanging out with professional athletes, television personalities and leaders of the free world, observing every move they make and sharing every thought that passes through their lofty craniae. Some late tweets of note: Erykah Badu tweeting during childbirth, Rainn Wilson tweeting about minutiae during coffee breaks on the set of "The Office", and of course Diddy tweeting whilst [doing something tantric]--that man will not rest until every cell of my brain is clogged with his disturbing personal info. All Twitter-lovers say the same thing: "It's just sooo cool." Not particularly illuminating, but not surprising. That's what all lovers say of their beloved. You won't catch me tweeting or following any Twitters for the same reason you won't find me on Facebook. That's because I have some loves of my own: solitude, personal space and cheese. I find no one's thoughts more fascinating than my own, there is no more appreciative audience of me than me, and I don't like to share my cheese. But hey, that's just me. Tweet on, Twitter-lovers, tweet on.
Quotable Quotes:
"I didn't shoot anybody."--back when he was Puff Daddy
"I [censored] my [censored]." --Diddy in every interview in the last three years
I couldn't agree more. Info surfing becomes info surfeit in a stunningly short amount of time. And I, too, prefer 'to get high on my on supply' when it comes cranial ephemera.
ReplyDeleteFirst, tweeting during childbirth is way too much information. That is hard to believe. Phew.
ReplyDeleteAnd, twitter is a very strange thing. I have an on-and-off relationship with it. This article, posted in 3wahoos' blog, does a nice job explaining why some folks find it useful: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/07/magazine/07awareness-t.html?_r=1&emc=eta1 . But, there's no doubt it is strange. :)