Well, well, well. Tagging is so relevant to library services it's readiculous. We all know a library is information organized for use and that is what tagging is "good fer". Although The Cootess must admit She tends to use tags, not for efficiency, but to be all cute. But Booby (sic and sick and it stays) del Libro is on to sumpin': let's use these suckas to finally take down that old, dead man-cootess M. Dewey. (A) That dude's turn 'o da century nonsense is totally stale (B) When it come to reigning cootesses, there can be only one. We all know this is going to end with Me and Kanye in the ring, so let's just fast forward, shall we? Let's move this into Webrary 3.0. Too late, already happened. So The Cootess, Bobby and Effie Reader were all working in the salt mines/reference office, our backs to one another as we blog and comment and email away, when Bobby says, "Cootess, I just sent you an email about my blog. You can twitter me what you think." That's when we all slowly turned around and Effie Reader said,"OMG, we just busted through to 3.0." Anyhoodle, all I'm saying is The Cootess West is designing overpriced, ugly space alien tennie-pumps for Louis Vuitton. The least we can do is get delicious with ourselves.
Qutoable Quote:
"The eternal conflict of good and the best with bad and the worst is on."
--Melvil Dewey (but you know Kanye's thinking it)