The Cootess has intiated Phase II of her Diabolical Fit Club Domination Plan: lull the competition into a false sense of security. It looked like I was going to come out on top this week due to the lameness of the competition when, in the eleventh hour, one Deb N. comes in with a five pound weight loss! Are you kidding me with this? Well, The Cootess 'aint no sucka, sucka. You can't be bustin' out numbers like that week one. You better pace yourself, Miss Deb. On second thought, don't pace yourself. Keep on bringing it and by week four you will have collapsed from "dehydration" or "exhautsion" or some other glamorous skinny person malady, and that is when The Cootess busts a move of her own. And you better watch your back, Fish for Food; you think you're smooth with your zero pound loss. Are you trying to out-cootess The Cootess? Puh-leez!
Quotable Quote:
"I'm gonna git you!"
Cootercize? How did that get past the censors?