The Cootess is a fan of Flickr. Having lately been privy to an onslaught of weddings and births, having a central place to post and view pix is quite nice. Also, one could do things like follow Kanye West's adjuct Democratic Convention if one so desired. It would almost be like being there.
Speaking of which, this weekend I actually had some teachers ask me what Twitter is, and after I explained, the conversation went a little something like this:
Teacher: "I just don't get it. Why are people so wild about this?"
Cootess: "Look, I'm not here to sell anybody on Twitter. I'm just an information professional. I don't provide judgement, just information, so get out of my chilli.
Teacher: "But it's so shallow. I understand why 8th graders would be into it, but functioning adults? It's just such shallow communication and who has the time?"
Cootess: "I believe the immediacy and forced brevity are the attraction. I have an article furnished by the Web 2.0 committee you might want to read. Just go on my blog ..."
Teacher: "But I'm right here! This is the problem with this technology culture. I don't want to go to your blog, I don't want you to text me or tweet about it. Let's have an actual face-to-face conversation."
Cootess: "How is any of this relavent to Kanye West?"
The next trend is to tweet in haiku--poetic and pithy. And, everything is relevant to Kanye.